This week, in Queensland State Parliament, new laws were passed to extend the powers of Domestic Violence Orders and increase police response to domestic and family violence.

Some of the new laws include:

  1. Increasing the term of a Domestic Violence Order from 2 years to a minimum of 5 years
  2. Information sharing between agencies [Police, hospital, community and justice system] to assist in proactively identifying people at risk of domestic and family violence
  3. Giving Police the power to issue Police Protection Notices (“PPN”) on the spot to protect people fleeing violent circumstances. These notices will be able to protect not only the victim but also their children and other family members
  4. If a PPN is issued to a person who is a gun owner they will have their weapon license suspended and gun confiscated from them immediately
  5. Extending a Magistrate’s power in Protection Order Proceedings to vary family law orders so that better protection can be given to vulnerable children
  6. Provision for mutual recognition of domestic violence orders issued in other states and territories through the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme

It is expected that these new laws will come into effect shortly.

At McLaughlin’s Lawyers we are able to assist you with your family law matters, including domestic violence orders and related issues. Please contact our office to speak with an experiences family lawyer if you require our assistance.

Author: Joelene Nel

Director: Sophie Pearson

Date: 17/10/2016