Here at McLaughlins, we take a well rounded approach to maintaining wellness amongst our staff so that we can be in the best possible mind frame to effectively assist our clients. We recognise that the umbrella term of “wellness” encompasses many factors including mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

This week, we have been sharing with each other some tips around maintaining financial wellness. The flow-on effects that often come from money problems can negatively impact mental and emotional health, and even physical security. This can be stressful at the best of times, let alone whilst going through a separation with elements of domestic and family violence.

Thankfully, there are now a number of resources available to meet the needs of the sadly growing number of people in these situations. We have listed our top 5 below:

  1. Banks – they’re not always the bad guys. Some banks specifically offer financial help to existing customers who are leaving a domestically violent relationship or generally going through a relationship separation, including:
  1. Centrelink – call 132 850 to speak to a Social Worker who may be able to help with applying for Crisis Payments and other benefits, as well as short term counselling referrals.
  2. No Interest Loan Scheme – if you are affected by Domestic & Family Violence and have a low income, you may be eligible for safe, fair and affordable credit – visit to find out more.
  3. Salvos Emergency Relief – people affected by Domestic and Family Violence may be eligible for emergency relief, including assistance with paying for food, travel, phone, bills, clothing, and utilities. Call 1300 371 288 to find out more.
  4. Pets in Crisis – the RSCPA has partnered with DV Connect to form a foster care program to provide safe accommodation for pets of people who are at serious risk of domestic violence until they can be reunited with their families. Cruelty towards animals by perpetrators of domestic violence as a way to control their partner is alarmingly common and can often be the reason why people remain in such relationships. Gaining assurance that their pets will be taken care of could be the catalyst that provides a victim of domestic violence with the resolve to end the relationship and improve their lives for the better. Call 1800 811 811 to find out more.

If you, or someone you know would like further advice around the possible consequences and repercussions of leaving a violent relationship, the Family Law Firm team at McLaughlins Lawyers would be happy to assist or direct you to further resources. 


Author: Shona Sahay

Directors: Sophie Pearson

Date: 26 March 2019